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Providing opportunities in the outdoors

by lsonfoundation

Lone Star Outdoor News Foundation’s mission is all about one thing – providing opportunities.

Finding and cultivating future hunters and anglers is crucial to the survival of our passion for the outdoors. Unfortunately, many people never get the chance to have these life-changing experiences. Maybe they had parents who didn’t hunt; maybe they are from
a single-parent household and need someone to give them a gentle nudge into the outdoors. Texas is full of people wanting to become outdoorsmen or outdoorswomen, but they don’t know where to start.

In 2022, LSONF introduced nearly 30 people to the outdoors.

Jarrod Smith took his first deer at 40 years old.

“This is definitely just the start for me,” Smith said. “I want to get with guides and do some saltwater fishing this spring and get the boys out on Lake Conroe to catch some fish. And I think my 11-year-old is mature enough to go out with me hunting.”

LSONF partnered with the Delta Waterfowl R3 program again this year to get 10 wildlife students from Texas A&M-Kingsville out in a duck blind for the first time. One of the students, Andres Rosales, shot a beautiful green- winged teal and had already made plans with his mom to get it mounted as his Christmas present this year. He couldn’t wait to get it back home to a taxidermist.

Working with the Texas Dove Hunters Association, LSONF took Texas Sen. Donna Campbell, M.D. and fellow staff members on their first dove hunt this September.

And it’s not just hunting. Five friends from San Antonio headed to Rockport over the summer for a weekend of fishing. Gabe Constantine caught his first fish and everyone in the group caught their first black drum. Most fish caught were undersized, but Courtney Cargil hooked one keeper, and the group took it to a local restaurant to be prepared and shared.

This year, LSONF’s Wild Game Night raised more than $30,000 with the help of generous donations by our sponsors and patrons. The annual event will be celebrating its 12th year on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at the Beretta Gallery in Dallas.

We hope you will look at our mission statement and consider becoming a donor or sponsor to help us pursue these worthwhile, and vital, causes.